
A social commentary.


My disapearance for the past 6 days has been due to some reasons which I probably would not tell- due to reasons- nothing negative of course =)

The disappearance also proved a little harsh on me- the new MacBook released without me knowing until someone told me. Which I wish he never did because it has got me super jealous- I mean who won't want a Mac? Seriously. I bet 80% of the netizens would fall for Mac once they get a trial one for 10 days.

Me? I'm still dreaming for my affordable iBook =)

I think my interest in Photography has taken a leapt since I started with Photography as a module for the Art Elective Program. Of course I'll never be a photo genius who has countless camera like kifo but the title of an Amatuer Photographer sounds very desireble (is that how you spell it?) After all, photography will come handy in the future I wish to be in. Of course ambitions are wildly changing. I still remember writing...

A child always has changing ambitions...

In Victoriana 1 2005 which was later cut out because of senseless editing. I have taken some apparently interesting photos in the last assignment, however Oswin has brought home the camera while he's had it thus I cannot post it on my Flickr account.

OH YARH, have you heard of XLX and XX's war? I mean, duh, everyone has- except me because of the recent BFS' disappearance. But, so, here am I now to comment on this meaningless mass exchange of bulletts.

And whoever made the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is a total idiot. Sure, it rhymes, but DO I CARE? It's absolutely false!

Even Mr Robert Fulghum has said

"Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts..."

FYI Mr Robert Fulghum is American author and Unitarian clergyman but I doubt anyone cares.

I means, what's up? Have you EVER heard of WORLD PEACE. Seriously, get a grip, go to the CMC, dance around, say something silly. ANYTHING. I'm sick and tired of reading popular blogs, even Student's Sketchpad is getting weird lately- with the adaptation of Sin City in their ACS comic. I didn't even read it (a first).

So yea, guess I'll just be concerned in my own little blogosphere, unknowing to the world around me, gladly in the jin like the wa.

And I hate the word future, I don't know what is his plan for me and I wish to know but I know I'll never know. Not like Macbeth who had 3 witches. Where are my? What's my future? Do I get into VJ? What's my position in the council when I'm Sec 3? Will I study Mass Com? Or?

I really shouldn't rush the process, but here I am killing myself with my 2 pennies worth.

And there are new Sec 1s now. Cute Sec 1s with cute faces. I wonder if I was like that last year. I hope not. There's parade tomorrow and there'll be sec 1s. I have no idea if I can perform up to standard. Not that that matters anyhow but I'm just sick of thought.

I guess this entry doesn't seem Big Fat and Smiley. But sometimes I really don't want to be Big Fat and Smiley.

And I think everyone thinks of me like that. Since primary school people have been calling me Mr Sunshine. And in Victoria when I came up with the blog Big Fat Smiles it didn't mean to be representing Happiness or some Carebear shit but to reveal the smile. So morbid right.

I don't feel Big Fat Smiley. I think I'll quit being the Big Fat Smiler. I think I'll quit everything.

Happy Friday the Thirteenth.

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