
A social commentary.


am trying to modify an entirely different template but HTML- though touching it since October last year is still quite greek to me. However, I did come out with a banner for my new template (if that will ever happen) below!

Quite nice rite? Haha. Click on it for a better view.

Had the first AEP lesson of the year today. New teacher. New module. New scheme. New student. New room. New cameras. New macs. New yada yada. So yarh, the first term's module will be the photography module *laughs at sec 1s having to do painting now!* which is exactlly what kifo left the dear Victoria School for. Right now, we're using super noob and consumer cameras- some Canon Powershot 4.0 megapixel one. Which is quite sad- I hate the "noob" label. After all, I am a pro in the Flickr world okay (which is highly weird- haha)

One of our new AEP teachers- another ex-graphic designer- was the one who is teaching us AEP. Didn;t really learn much today- just average stuff like putting the battery in, connceting your dear Cnon powershot to the computer blah blah. Which probably isn't photography at all but rather sort of like a Canon-conducted Know Your Camera Class. Whatever.

Mdm Radiah, after a long break of pregnancy/maternity leave and an MC for viral infection, finally returned. I pray to God that no mishap will come to her as I really don;t want to have 4 English teachers a year all over again. We were doing Journals today- and touched on travel journals. The fact is that I never realised travel journals were all written in the present tense. Apparently it is quite difficult but I shall try to master.

singingEVERYWHERE! the travel journal edition and revised
Exhausted and tired would be words used to described me. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a short nap on the bus later on. Apparently this is going to be my firstm village experience, however, due to the extreme exhaustion my pathetic body is facing this very moment, I can't really get that excited over it. Viewing the art gallery earlier in the day and visiting the Santa Cruz cemetary really took a huge piece out of me.

Oh my god. It's so difficult to write lorh. I give up. Lol. Anyone wants to show me your proness in the Business language? Please give me your URL when you write it okay? Thanks!

Kays, I better go and revise the History crap before meet the wrath of You-Know-Who tomorrow. Bye people!

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