
A social commentary.

Viva La Timor Loro Sae, Third Issue

This entry has to be the most procastinating entry ever in my entire life. I starting typing this on the 30th but was like too tired to continue. Woke up super early on the 30th to go to school and slept quite late crapping and watching teevee. But really didn;t have the energy to type after creating the super cool magazine cover. I think it's cool okay. Then on the 31st was suffering from writer's block, and after writing the BigFatSmilingShoutouts.BlogSpot.Com I was knocked out already. So here's the first entry from BFS in 2006! And to start of the brand new year... we have Viva La Timor Loro Sae- Third Issue! Yay! (Please click to enlarge my proud of magazine cover!)

Editor's Note
This time I put quite a lot of effort into the magazine cover- probably half my time doing the mag was spent on the cover. So I hope you'll enjoy it and enjoy the 2nd last part of the publication. This issue actually sums up the rest of my village experience so it's not really article-ish but more of reflecting and media- unseen Flickr photos and some videos. Thanks to Terence (Lim) my .mov file was converted into a .swf file which is much smaller and easily postable on my blog. I would also hereby like to take the chance to thank him for the IT advice he has been giving me this entire year. So I hope you'll enjoy the 2nd last publication of this magazine.

Once again,
Signing out,
The only member of this getting better publication.

Last Day in Letefoho
The last day in Letefoho was really much of a bye bye kinda thing. And our bonds and
relationships with the senior high school students were strengthened. Once again, my hand was filled up with their autographs, signatures and names. It was, of course not them who offered to sign my hand (with their reticent nature they would never do it) but after my encouragement they gladly signed. I thought it was a cool way because I could take a picture of my hand so it would be kept forever and it was more qin qie than signing on a piece of a4 size paper. Thus from the taken photo of my hand (seen right) you can see names like Maria (which sounds like a nurse's name), Dodi (who is the best friend of Ginger), Jhon which are among the typical names in East Timor. Most of them have very long names but most of them have nicknames so they're mostly called by that.

Below is a Flash File of us playing a nice game whereby they threw the ball from one side to another using the bed sheet *erm* taken from the hotel =) It might take some time- its about 5 mb (5000 kb) so please be a bit patient. You can also click here to view it in a new window.

Departing Letefoho
After giving out the many prizes we had brought to the winners of the game and giving out the remaining stuff we have to give to the rest of the school. Gosh we had so much leftovers! So
we stopped by in the village to give out the bubble stuff! Ruth had got the bubble stuff from Concourse and some children were really pro(fessional) in blowing the strangely smelling bubble soultion. Look at the cover and you will see Mr Middle Man holding a super big bubble. To your left is Ruth and Wendy with village children and their new bubbles! Then out intepreter, Johnny also tried out the bubble thing! I also took a video of that too so all the team people who received my cd will have it inside. Yay +) The photo, if you noticed is taken inside our Pakero thus the weird strip appearing at the bottom right corner of the colored image otherwise known as a photograph (what a load of crap!).

Our 2.5 hour journey to Dili continued as we continued to hand out gifts and sweets to the wonderful hoi polloi (I so like that word- doesn't it sound so cool?) Hearing sounds of Obrigadu and Obrigada, our faces smiled back everytime we handed out stuff to the people. Life there was easy and I seemed to have adapted and taken to this easy lifestyle quite well. No schoolwork, no stressing exams. Life was routine and I enjoy this life. Seeing people and life in a different perspective somehow seemed to have changed the way I thought, did stuff and so forth. Although I won't say I won't waste food again like I occasionally used to, I would say that experiencing the Dilian, Ermerian and Timorese culture has changed some part of me. I won't say for the better or for the worst, but just a difference, though not a quiddity, has been made inside my heart.

So here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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