
A social commentary.


Today I went out shopping with my adult cousin, his mother and my mommy. I'm quite tired now and I have to get to school early tomorrow, thus I shall just jot down the main points of my once-in-a-blue-moon non-window-shopping shopping, erm, spree?

Kicked off the, erm, spree at Wheelock's Crumplers (Yes! Crumplers!) I looked around and only found 2 to my fancy, the Western Lawn and another that was a modified version of the Western Lawn. The Western Lawn was 90 bucks while the modified one was 149 thus I decided to go cheapskate (although Crumplers aren't cheapskate at all) and when I decided to pay, the cashier had the sign that said Apple Centre @ Orchard Flagship store card members had 10% off! Immediatly I thought of Muyao and decided to sms him for it =) Of course he agreed! So for that I shall give him publicity! 2emancipation.blogspot.com is an entertaining blog and everyone should visit it!

Then we had lunch at this new Crystal Jade express place in Wisma which had quite nice food since I was always a fan of the Cantonese cusine (FYI I am Cantonese) and ordered the (in English) Chicken and Sausage Rice/ (in Cantonese) lap chiong kai fan. It was pretty good, just a little pricey, about 8+ bucks. Good if you like Hong Konger fare and feel rich.

We then went to Kinokuniya because I had a 10 dollars voucher that was expiring by the end of this year. Then someone else had gave me 15 bucks worth of Kino for Christmas. Plus the I-Weekly 20% off, I saved quite a lot. Was actually looking for the Chronicles of Narnia- the entire unbox series. There was only one copy left and it was tattered and torn so was very disappointed. Thus looked around and guess what I found? You guess larh! Ask you to guess what! I found the COMIC BOOK FOR MY 大长今! Actually there was also the novel version but it was super thick, came in the older chinese word (fan ti zi) and had three volumes. I looked into it and it immediatly reminded me of Xue shan fei hu which ultimately sucks to me because of my quite-illiteracy in Chinese. So I bought the 大长今 comic which came in 3 volumes which originally cost 56+ bucks.

But after 20% off from the I-Weekly voucher it became...
56 times 0.8 = 44.8 bucks

And after the 25 dollars vouchers it became...
44.8 - 25 = 19.8 bucks

Which is relevantly cheap because each book only cost 6.60 SGD which is in FULL COLOUR and better quality paper than the COMICS CONNECTION manga which cost about 6 bucks. So yay! I can read 大长今 forever and ever and 长今 will stay with me in my bookshelf for the rest of my life! Yay me!

Then we shopped in Suntec. Didn't get anything there. And while returning to the City Hall MRT Station we passed by MPH which was having 20% storewide discount *fever* And I went in to check, my Narnia was there! And there was a cheaper version too! It cost me orginally 29 bucks but because of the 20% it became 23 bucks *cheek swells* Yay me!

So yes now I have 4 new books to read. And I actually wanted to just jot down the main points of my once-in-a-blue-moon non-window-shopping shopping, erm, spree but it turned out I wrote 500 over words. Oh well, better sleep early need to get to VS tomorrow at 730hrs and my dad's not driving me.

Three cheers for Muyao (and his apple card)! Three cheers for I-Weekly voucker! Three cheers for cash vouchers! Three cheers for MPH and their christmas specials! Three cheers for everyone!

1 Responses to “Extravagance”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

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