
A social commentary.

Everyone is entering a new phase,

and sometimes I wonder why I'm not. I mean like Harry's now a JL, Ian's now in IP, Muyao's struggling with the A Maths, Oswin is now officially in the Band whatever, Sian Ying is having to climb to the fourth florr (it looks nicer than floor doesn't it? I shall spell floor as florr on BFS from now on =) ), yada yada yada.

And today, on the 1st Saturday of 2006, on the 7th of January 2006, I got promoted to the rank of Lance Coporal! Without ANY promotion performa, without ANY interview, without ANY peer evaluation! I think god know's I want it badly enough. The only bad thing is that I wont't receive my badges till Award's Day and that means my Rank will looking freaking empty on BB Day when I wear it because I only have one pathetic badge. =(

So anyhow- this is how I spent my first Saturday of 2006:

The first parade! Scary. Totally. Horrible Officer Calvin abandoned us! And pushed his Officer IC-ship of BB Batch 2005 to Officer Herman! Now I am counting the days I have left on Mother Earth.

The entire parade today was filled with Drill. Not that I dislike drill but I doubt the word drill excites anyone. The first part of the Parade which usually starts with PT (otherwise known as Physical Training) was replaced by Drill because of the coming Awards day when I'll receive my badges to fill my rank (Yay!) After the Drill practice came the Muster parade (however it's spelt) where we are to assemble in a drill like manner for officers to inspect our uniform. Fortunately and Unfortunately they did not inspect our uniform- fortunately because it saved us having everyone's uniform to be check and the knock-it-downs but unfortunately because I did polish my stuff last night.

After the Muster parade came the Drill Badgework where we leanrt more Drill stuff. Horrible. The entire1+ hours was horrible. Too horrible to describe =(

Kays, tired now.

Shall blog a long time later.

Sayonara, Adios and Goodbye.

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