
A social commentary.

Hello People, just realised I don't have nice pen so I shall buy one today and write in my diary from Oswin later =) Still wondering what to write about- after all, the first entry should be one of humour, power and prestige (What nonsense) and should never be like that:

Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. I'm a no life person so I shall tell you about my no-life, erm, life. The first thing I did when I woke up today was, erm, oh yarh, I opened my eyes. Haha. Then I slept again. Haha. Then I opened my eyes again and went to brush my teeth. I then went to school. I read books and the teacher said I was an intellectual. I am proud of myself. I'm tired now. I need to sleep.

Your new friend.

Anne Frank has said in HER diary that paper has more patience than people, but judging in this context- I doubt his paper will have any patience at all.

So yes, I must brainstorm of something that will allow me to laugh in the future when I read my diary written when I was thirteen and three quarter years old.

I have bloghopped yesterday and today and realised how much good blogs from my friends I have been missing out on and not reading. Officer Calvin's blog (eeeyeer.blogspot.com) is extremely entertaining. With his weird sign offs (like ME ME or me or whatever shit) and creative description of stuff eeeyeer.blogspot.com qualifies the title of an entertaining blog. Perhaps its time to pay him a visit and boost his hits =)

Jeremy has stopped blogging, like I mentioned in one of my previous entries. It's very sad because his blog is also immensely entertaining. Oh well, at least I have his archives.

I still have not found out Kifo's blog.

Oswin is in bloody Indonesia- the place muchly responsible for the number of cemeteries there are in Timor Leste now. Thus us blog is unupdated and I'm pissed. Because Wildborg.blogspot.com has been listed in my "Blogs of Interest" Favourites section and I have nothing dug out from it. Hmpf.

For some reason, Mozilla does not allow me to suscribe to some blogs- which is tremendously irratating. I shall sue very soon (which is a very rude and hurtful thing to do since wonderful Mozilla is providing me with such a celebrated freeware).

FYI I have changed my spectacles to something very loud. Zhihui has said it looks very arty farty and Bryan has commented it looks very ugly. See Han thinks it looks artsy fartsy and Nigel stated "nice specs". Officer Philip had hinted on the extravagant price and Josiah and Jie Han agreed that it resembled someone who said "Never underestimate the power of education". The rest of the population merely didn't say anything.

I shall clear my table because it is extremely messy.

Any gramatical/spelling error is purely unintentional and due to carelessness and the spirit of bochup. Look forward to the next entry!

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