
A social commentary.

Understanding life's lessons

Sounds so chim right? My title, haha. Actually I was really feeling angry yesterday, frustrated and all and through today and last night I thought about it, prayed about it, wrote about it did whatever I could about it and finally came with a conclusion that made me change my view about many things. As a blog is a public space, I shall not disclose stuff that is potentially hurtful or offensive in anyway to anybody thus I shall not dwell on this subject any manner.

When you quit a game you, can always open the program again, so right now I'll open the program again to be a Big Fat Smiler =)))

I have a newly written profile! 99% free of gramatical and spelling errors! Click on the profile link above this page to read more xie xie. And I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the 32 people who visited my blog yesterday and contributed to my super-long-never-have-already 50 over hits. And even when I have not updated today because of Saturday's hectic schedule 36 individuals have come to read my nonsensical blabbers intellectual essays. Thank you for your support everybody!

Today, almost like any other Saturday was a hectic day. Started of with the weekly affair of the Boys' Brigade parade. Drill today was worst than the last and according to my prophecy it will get worst and worst until I finish the badgework. We marched who-knows-how many times around the freaking basketball court and around 11 today. Then came soccer. Those who know me will also know that I am absolutely not an atheletico. I suck at sports except for some which I enjoy. So we played under the sun for 45 minutes, suprisingly my hair wasn't hot at all, I think Singaporean temperature is getting weird.

Ran 2.4 kilometers 2 days in 1 row! So pleased with myself =)

Alright, it's late now and I should really get to the part about designing new buttons for my template. Explanation of my new skin tomorrow!

Later =)

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