
A social commentary.

I really want to post a very angsty title but can't bring myself to.

My blog has been in a state of neglect for the past few days. A whole new level of school life has consumed me. Every day for four hours since last Monday was pumped into the Animation Elective Module at NYP which is extremely exhausting. Since we were doing traditional animation (2D and Stop Motion), the continuos drawing and sketching drove me to the brink of sanity.

And of course there's the Indian Exchange Program which started this Tuesday- another sucker (it sucks my energy). The Guangzhou exchange we had last year was unanimously agreed more hyped and more fun. I still remember the crazy day where I stood on the bench at the East Coast Park food court and did something stupid. Perhaps its the income divide that walled us and the Indians. Or maybe it's the age gap.

Lizhi and I woke up at 3.30 am this morning to catch the live webcast of the Release of Adobe CS3. Which, did I mention, is like the best graphical software the world has ever seen. Illustrator's price rose though, and I'm not very happy with that. I'm still debating whether to spend a small fortune on something that I don't feel very adequate on fully maximizing. Or maybe it's because I have spent a small fortune which will make me fully maximize it.

Oh well, I have tons of homework to catchup on. There's a pasar malam near my house right now and I swear I'm going to take some shots.



Day Way

I deleted my bitch maths entry because the moment I read it on the World Wide Web was when I realized how infantile and childish I was. The one thing I thanked God for was the fact that Mr Zuraimi did not see that entry. It probably won't send him into shambles (since it's definitely not the first student that hates Maths so much) but it won't leave a very positive impact either.

FYI Mr Zuraimi is my maths teacher so go figure.

Someone just commented that my Profile Page was boring. Not really the page itself but the very profile. I didn't delete the comment of course- I'm an advocate of freedom of speech. But this definitely doesn't hinder me from being human. I guess everyone gets hurt when someone says something that stamps at the very bottom of your life. When your personality and lifestyle gets insulted.

That person remained anonymous. So I guess the only thing a sane person would do would be to get over it. As Morrie said, we should experience everything in life. It's all part of living. When he caught his disease, he sat up every morning and allowed himself to cry for a few moments and let it stop there. He was done being sad for the day.

So yeah, I'll let my disappointment stop there. It's FIFTEEN tomorrow.

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I stare at my computer while looking out of the window beside me. It's a sunny day.

I rot my teeth with the Coke Light I'm drinking right now, secretly of course. I burp, gas escapes from my nose- a feeling that exhilarates relief and disgust.

My pile of homework sits beside me. I tell myself I'll do it after this blog entry.

School tomorrow.


shruggs abouritt

I love my pseudo girlfriend! She rocks my box of socks!

*Warning! This entry just might be boring to non PSCs!

Yeah, so anyway. The scandal is over (FOR NOW) and Convention 2007 has flew past our eyes. So quick, so over, but yet everyone is officially ranting about how great it was and how this year's was better than last year's and how bonded we all are. Wei Ting declared she would add everyone on her MSN.

I wasn't that ambitious but for an ad-hoc event I really have to say this was the most fanbulous one. I mean like, shrugs abourrritt? Relationships really turned more concrete, non of which from the participants, all from the Organizing Committee.

Here's my list of thank yous (hopefully some of you chance on my blog) to all who has made my short time in RGS so wonderful: Becca! Yi Tong! Annie! Andrea! Michelle! Xin Jia! Marissa! Jac! Cong Cong! Wei Ling! Elaine (I mean Kevvy haha)! Kevvy (I mean Elaine haha)! and pseudo girlfriend Zhi Xian!

And! Of course every other RGS girl whom I have missed how! Sorry bouritt!

So yeps, this is my lousy entry! I have nothing to end but...

Jiayou at your guides camp now okay!


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Convention and Nua

The speaking in third person thingy was specially for my profile and that teaser. So yup, unless I feel exceptionally compelled towards doing so, I won't be. Perhaps this is my way of preserving the exclusivity of that entry that is just centered around M.E.

Convention Day One was great. I was pleasantly surprised that all the schools were able to bond so well considering the fact that inter-school rivalry is exceptionally prominent in Singapore. But well I guess as student leaders everyone knew well enough to sit down and live these 3 precious days of their hols together.

My role as station master was particularly hyped by myself. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I had never been a station master in station games. I was always a do-er, player and hype-r but never a station master. That degree of responsibility generated a whole new perspective and level of fun for myself.

Unfortunately, the day ended horribly wrong. My parents sms-ed me in the middle of the debrief telling me they were waiting at the RGS car-park already. Hence I rushed down right after the debrief ended and while walking down the stairs (really quickly) I nua-ed my leg. And now there's this really big lump on my feet and its hurts horribly.

I have no idea if I'm attending tomorrow. I can barely walk out of my room to return the papers I took from outside.


I got my letter to make my IC today. FIFTEEN.

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Big Fat Smiler is now writing in third person. He is too tired to write because he just accomplished a 700 word essay all about himself in the "About" section of his blog. This entry is just a teaser.

He tells you to click that link right at the bottom of the banner which says "About" and read the whole 700+ words although he thinks you'd think it's blardy boring after you finish reading it.

Oh wells. This is his mediocre entry for the day.

This is the link in case you're too lazy.

Human Nature

Today's photography trip brought me to Little India. It just showed me how friendly Indians were (especially when we ask them to pose for shots!) and reconfirmed my desire to backpack in India one day. Unfortunately the exchange trip to India at the end of this year is a luxury trip which will cost us a bomb and has a zero excitement level.

I am now trying to convince my father to backpack with me in Hanoi. Muhahaha. Hope it works out!

I was exceptionally touched and the very essence of my humanity shaken today by a scene I witnessed on the way home. A small boy had passed by one of those tissue selling peddlers and dropped in a dollar coin into the grimy plastic bowl that delicately balanced on his crutches.

The boy then proceeded to walk away as if afraid but the peddler stopped him to pass him the tissue papers he had paid for but not taken. The boy shook his hands vigorously declining. The peddler just smiled and pushed the papers unto his hand. The boy then burst into a wider smile and accepted the papers after which skipping of ecstatically celebrating the aftermath of his charity.

I mean you guys all know what I mean- when we drop a dollar or two into a blind busker's biscuit tin, or when we buy 3 packets of tissues for a dollar from the singing tissue aunty. The variety of these actions are endless, yet they align themselves to a common goal: Helping others with a genuine heart. And when we do that, our heart skips a beat and we can't help but feel cheery inside.

It is human nature to help others.

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A mere insect had taken the reins of our dietary lives. Abhorred, disgusted at and extremely unpopular, they continued their immensely irritating routine- takeoff, land, takeoff, land. And us as their airstrips had to shake ourselves every few seconds.

Yea, the mere insect is the fly. That would be a major, major understatement though. Perhaps it's because there was not just one fly, but many, many of them. Looking at the person beside you and their radial space would proof barf-worthy. They existed in hundreds! How on earth could the kampong people share their lives with these horrible creatures?

It has gone to the stage whereby Nicholas Wong is now disgusted with the people rather than the flies for the very fact that they could live with it.

threejay has been really bonded from the third day onwards. Perhaps it was the adjusting to the horrible environment that caused our bonds to turn into paltry van der waals, but the very anticipation of leaving that place on the third day- sharing a common looking-forward-to had turned these weak bonds into covalent ones.

From the Mountain climb (my third one!) to the campfire night, from the VS Power from Parkway to VS to the final VS Unite at our red bricked, can-be-seen-from-Google-Earth carpark. We all survived Sec 3 Camp.

Farewell organic rice!

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Just a short update

Yesterday forced me into it's per-mutating temperaments. The day started of extremely well- managed to wake up without any of those lousy drowsy states after the 6th Snooze I fired on my phone. Without much procrastination, I proceeded to the Chinatown station about 15 stations from where I live.

It was the first self-organized photography shootout and the first 400D group photography shootout and the first 400D and self organized photography shootout. -.-"" Haha. And to mark that momentous occasion I spilled Milo in my delightful Crumpler because of reasons of which I shall not divulge. Hence my beautiful red shirt and awesome green sweater converted to MacBook case (and on that day, Carly's home) was kenna-ed by the Milo. This is excluding my half read Newsweek , Nikon Photo Magazine and NTUC Bus Guide.

What a loss.

Carly didn't suffer too much though. It would be quite a sin if I put her through torture since she's only one week old. Okay, shan't comment too much on the photographic side since you can all just log onto Flickr to see my day's shots. General comments include an Underexposed for generic shots in that set. Perhaps I am still not that quick enough to toggle between the settings at the right time yet.

Oh well, practice makes perfect =)

Camp's tomorrow and since threejay is a rather bonded class I'd reckon we would survive it rather happily.

P/s BFS is two!

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I made it past internal judging for Commonwealth. Thank God. Now let's just hope I get a Commended and I will be happy forever. Okay maybe not forever- but for quite a long time.

A quick check with last year's Commonwealth winners from Victoria School only showed one entry that was rated "Commended". And I knew that person (whom I highly admired as a writer).

Email me should you wish to read it. Shall refrain from posting it online for no reason.


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