
A social commentary.

Convention and Nua

The speaking in third person thingy was specially for my profile and that teaser. So yup, unless I feel exceptionally compelled towards doing so, I won't be. Perhaps this is my way of preserving the exclusivity of that entry that is just centered around M.E.

Convention Day One was great. I was pleasantly surprised that all the schools were able to bond so well considering the fact that inter-school rivalry is exceptionally prominent in Singapore. But well I guess as student leaders everyone knew well enough to sit down and live these 3 precious days of their hols together.

My role as station master was particularly hyped by myself. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I had never been a station master in station games. I was always a do-er, player and hype-r but never a station master. That degree of responsibility generated a whole new perspective and level of fun for myself.

Unfortunately, the day ended horribly wrong. My parents sms-ed me in the middle of the debrief telling me they were waiting at the RGS car-park already. Hence I rushed down right after the debrief ended and while walking down the stairs (really quickly) I nua-ed my leg. And now there's this really big lump on my feet and its hurts horribly.

I have no idea if I'm attending tomorrow. I can barely walk out of my room to return the papers I took from outside.


I got my letter to make my IC today. FIFTEEN.

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