
A social commentary.


A mere insect had taken the reins of our dietary lives. Abhorred, disgusted at and extremely unpopular, they continued their immensely irritating routine- takeoff, land, takeoff, land. And us as their airstrips had to shake ourselves every few seconds.

Yea, the mere insect is the fly. That would be a major, major understatement though. Perhaps it's because there was not just one fly, but many, many of them. Looking at the person beside you and their radial space would proof barf-worthy. They existed in hundreds! How on earth could the kampong people share their lives with these horrible creatures?

It has gone to the stage whereby Nicholas Wong is now disgusted with the people rather than the flies for the very fact that they could live with it.

threejay has been really bonded from the third day onwards. Perhaps it was the adjusting to the horrible environment that caused our bonds to turn into paltry van der waals, but the very anticipation of leaving that place on the third day- sharing a common looking-forward-to had turned these weak bonds into covalent ones.

From the Mountain climb (my third one!) to the campfire night, from the VS Power from Parkway to VS to the final VS Unite at our red bricked, can-be-seen-from-Google-Earth carpark. We all survived Sec 3 Camp.

Farewell organic rice!

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1 Responses to “Traditions”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    There are in fact, more flies than all our rice added together.  

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