
A social commentary.

Human Nature

Today's photography trip brought me to Little India. It just showed me how friendly Indians were (especially when we ask them to pose for shots!) and reconfirmed my desire to backpack in India one day. Unfortunately the exchange trip to India at the end of this year is a luxury trip which will cost us a bomb and has a zero excitement level.

I am now trying to convince my father to backpack with me in Hanoi. Muhahaha. Hope it works out!

I was exceptionally touched and the very essence of my humanity shaken today by a scene I witnessed on the way home. A small boy had passed by one of those tissue selling peddlers and dropped in a dollar coin into the grimy plastic bowl that delicately balanced on his crutches.

The boy then proceeded to walk away as if afraid but the peddler stopped him to pass him the tissue papers he had paid for but not taken. The boy shook his hands vigorously declining. The peddler just smiled and pushed the papers unto his hand. The boy then burst into a wider smile and accepted the papers after which skipping of ecstatically celebrating the aftermath of his charity.

I mean you guys all know what I mean- when we drop a dollar or two into a blind busker's biscuit tin, or when we buy 3 packets of tissues for a dollar from the singing tissue aunty. The variety of these actions are endless, yet they align themselves to a common goal: Helping others with a genuine heart. And when we do that, our heart skips a beat and we can't help but feel cheery inside.

It is human nature to help others.

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