
A social commentary.


Here am I taking break out of my pseudo mug life to blog. Sometimes I seriously lack the motivation to do anything and its getting really out of hand. Days pass before me and at the end of the day, I ask myself: What have I accomplished today? And most of the time the answer is: Nothing.

I think I'm fairly screwed, if there's a scale for how screwed up your life is.

There are three tests tomorrow. I have no idea what the teachers are trying to do. Three tests? Like get a life?

But I really have to appreciate some of the threejayrian teachers. Sometimes I think I'm goddamned lucky to have such great teachers. I don't have a royal flush (ah! I demean my teachers to mere playing cards!) but I really think most of them rock.

So yeah, the exams excluding English are in SEVEN days time and I really have zero confidence right now. I get stressed that I'm not doing anything to make my revision better and I really thank God that I have such cool people around me to keep me going. Thanks to all (you know who you are!) although the blog readership is like zero now haha.

I think I shall make a list of all the things to look forward to after exams, just to help me treat life with a better perspective:

RMUN Conference
Church Camp
Threejayrian Chalet
Trips to Rochor Beancurd
My nascent first Backpacking trip
Hanging out at Borders
MC Camp
12pm Wake-up times

Life has got to get better.

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  1. # Blogger 小猫王




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