
A social commentary.


Seems like June is the "it" month for Apple to release Leopard. So while everyone is clamoring that Leopard is going to be a revolutionary product with more WOW than the irritating copycats, here is my list of hopes in the new Leopard :)

1) Dual operating system- to work Windows and Mac OS together without rebooting computer or virtualizing the system (AKA running two native systems alongside)

2) Spaces to be integrated into double screens, so I can have 2 LCDs and each LCD will show me one space.

3) Fancy new UI and new Graphics that will knock Microsoft's socks off yet with super fast loading speeds even with lousy graphics cards because of Apple's Core Animation coding technology.

4) iWork and iLife to be bundled into Leopard and sold together at extremely affordable student prices.

Okay. That's all I can think of. I think it's even stupid of me to try to think I have Apple's creativity in doing amazing stuff. Oh well, its 3 more months to go and we have yet another revolutions. In Apple World, revolutions are part of daily life.

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1 Responses to “Revolution”

  1. # Blogger Ian Ho

    I would wish that Leopard be released in June during WWDC, but sadly they are going to postpone it till october!!!! ARGH!!

    And it's very unlikely that dual booting (running Windows in Mac) is going to happen, firstly because if they do so Parallels would just go out of business, and secondly, they already have Boot Camp which Jobs promised to be part of the "complete package" in Leopard.

    iLife will certainly not be bundled with Leopard, and iWork will certainly be an extra product that you can purchase...

    Hmm...It's so unlike Apple to be late!  

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