
A social commentary.

It's pretty chilly from where I'm typing now which is a good thing cause it helps me saves on electricity bills. Although the chiliness is no where as chilly as someplace say Siberia- it's chilly enough for sunny almost-on-the-equator Singapore. According to my Forecastfox extension on my Internet browser- Mozilla Firefox- information taken from AccuWeather.com: Singapore is currently Most Cloudy, and 25 degrees celcius. The wind is blowing from NNW- wherever that is and the speed is at 1 m/s- talk about informative. And it even gives me tomorrow's and the day after's weather too. I would love to blah more about the weather but my blog is not weathergirl.blogspot.com.

Today was an overly tiresome day- in fact I am immensely tired now- but throughout the long 1.5hour jounrney home I had alot of brainwaves moving and fidgeting so I had already planned out what I wanted to write for the day's entry. If would be nice if I had a PDA so I could write straight away on the spot so I wouldn't miss any freakin' details- but whatever- make do with what you have =)

It's pretty frightening to be on a bus that you don't know goes where. Okay, I knew where it went but I haven't actually been on the bus before so I didn't know if it was actually heading towards the place I wanted to go. So I sat on Bus 222 from Chairman Josiah's cell hoping that what my friend said was right. Going though the many blocks and the neighbourhood of Chai Chee- a place I probably have never set foot in my life (and you thought Singapore was small!). My dad had probably drove through the area but that was on WHEELS.

And zooming here, zooming there- my brain started to thwart- worrying that the bus was not going where I wanted it to go. Then! (then then then then then then...) I saw the MRT STATION! My senses dragged me back into deja vu where I remembered taking 31/196/197 from the further school bus-stop to the Bedok station. Times where I'll eat lunch with SBF hopefully the bus will come JUST when we reach the stop. But then I found the faster way! Through 55/76! And yes I have =)

Okay, I shall take a rest now so I can have enough energy to watch Daejanggeum an hour later. Or perhaps I should take a glass of water too- in case I leak another gazillion litres of tears.

Ciao! (courtesy of dino)

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