
A social commentary.

Green is the color of nature- green leaves, leaf insects, green flowers, grass, green grass, green roots, green whatever, green greens, and also the color of every child's favourite food! Veggies! Green is also the color of bills in the US and the 5 dollar note in Singapore. Despite the fact that we should not embrace greed, everyone must agree that money is essential for survival. I mean a daily neccesity like brushing those white teeth will not be possible without a toothbrush and toothpaste, which means money.

Green is also the color of my church's youth ministry. We wear green at church events yada yada, probably because green represents youth itself. Looking at green plants and nature lets your eyes relax and your vision gets better. Green is such a beautiful color.

There was a time in my life where everyone had a favourite color. Everything had to be in that color and when mommy brought you out to buy a new bag or pencilcase it had to be in that color too. Mine, like many others boys at that time, was blue. I mean I didn't know why I only liked blue. Did you know that not only was my pencilbox blue? Together with it, I took out the ink parts of my red, purple and green pens and put them in the blue casing. To differentiate them, I labelled them in BLUE ink. Pretty crazy huh? Even my eraser color had to be blue- I printed a new cover for my eraser because the cover was green.

Looking back at that innocent phase of life I feel immensely amused at my exhorbitant spendings of both allowances and effort put in to create my perfectly blue pencilcase.

Now? Actually Wendy had asked me what was my favourite color before, but now that I have somehow matured from that period, should someone ask me that question again I would have no answer. Or I'll just probably say I don't have any favourite color or I love all the colors. I mean, seriously.

What would happen if our beautiful earth had only consisted of the analogous blue? Just blue, shades and tints of it. I mean won't it be boring? Just looking at blue everyday? God gave us plenty of colors for a reason.

So meanwhile, I shall begin to embrace all colors =) And currently I'm doing green.

So I hope you enjoy the long period of time where Big Fat Smiles will be Growing Affectionately Green!

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