
A social commentary.

Da Victorian Culture

Was really busy yesterday so did not update. Sorry. I am pretty amazed at the people of my blog. I finally realised that my blog readers (I shall now refuse to use the word blogders) are not only confined to the people who tag at my tagboard because, apparently, there are some people who never even tagged in their lives (how pathetic, oops!). So yarh, thanks for the anonymous readership people!

So anyway, the SLI Rehearsal was until like 7pm. I told John I wished that I could leave at 6.30 everyday and John told me to be prepared to stay until 8 for Speech Day Rehearsals. Perhaps I should consider the Victoria Hall which charges a whopping $17.50 a day during the Speech Day period. I really hate using the public transport at such late hours. Tension was high yesterday, I was pretty stress and John was pretty pissed. I am still amazed at how Bryan could seem so relaxed yada yada yada. Perhaps it's only the emceeing role that is stressful. Oh yarh, I am now no longer the reserve emcee for the inaugural Victoria School Student Leaders' Investiture but the official emcee =)

I shall get to wear long pants! No more a khaki panters for that few hours!

I will be torn into 3 tomorrow. There might be a Media Meeting tomorrow, there will be the dry run for the SLI and the Adventure Quest training. I shall (hopefully) skip around from the Media Meeting- catching as much as I can and relying on Razeen's minutes, to the SLI Rehearsal- hoping they grant me leave after I finish my shit and then going rock climbing at VJC for the Adventure Quest training. I have such a sad life.

And I still haven't received the Victorian (Venture 2005) yet! This is so *toot*ing unfair! Or perhaps its mostly my fault because I never had the time to see Mdm Taz to look for an issue for my browsing pleasure. Or am I selfish to do so? After all, more than half of the Victorian hoi polloi hasn't laid their hands on one yet. I must get one tomorrow!

Mentoring shit today. I shall swear to myself that my children will never wear Ngee An Primary's uniform. Never!

Finished December issue of RD today!

8 more days to BFS' first birthday!

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