
A social commentary.

Yesterday was an immensely pleasant day. I got my first photography shots in front of the school (the previous one was the EMD2005 which all the photos were totally crap). I think I did pretty well, being daring, climbing on to the stage and all. I think I kinda irratated some of the CO people. Hahaha. Mdm Tazneen released me early, thank god. I should really (really) keep to my new year resolution of doing my best to the reformation to Media Club.

The day was showered with shimmering sunlight, with gentle breeze. I was awaiting the bus (any bus) to Parkway. Ian, Muyao and Samuel were there already. WE ate at Yoshinoya and had the Something Something Something meal. And they had this blossom tea. Haha. Samuel is not a person who enjoys fear factor. Inside the tea were dried flowers and I started mashing all up. And everyone was like Ewww...

Browsed around in Best Denki and Harvey Norman, creating trouble and toying with their gadgets. I have always been a little guilty at doing that.

And since almost everyone has a wishlist, I shall come up with one too =)
-all expense paid trip to India (i want to see the taj mahal yada yada yada)
-all expense paid trip to Dubai, UAB (I want to go for the sand dune ride, stay in that mercedes fleet hotel yada yada)
-all expense paid trip to Vietnam (since almost everyone is going there)
-13.3 inch iBook which isn't released yet.
-Some PDA phone
-Altec Lansing inMotion iM7
-500 bucks worth of Borders Gift Cards
-500 bucks worth of Kino vouchers

That would all amount up to about 15K so you can just pay me 15K. Terimah Kasih!

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