
A social commentary.

A School Entry

AHH! Just bought home a 6 can pack Mocha from NesCafe. It was only 5.20! That makes *wriggles fingers and calculates* only 86 cents a can! And bloody hell I have been paying about 40 cents more for who knows how many cans already! Grrr, and I could have bought MORE.

Okay, I think I'm already fanatic-ed. Heex.

So yea, I don't think I'll drink the coffee immediately after I get out of bed so I'll just put it in a tumbler so it doesn't get warm (or cold) or actually in both cases lukewarm when I get to school. Yay.

But carrying a tumbler to school... That's weird. Heex.

Finished the Devil Wears Prada in 2 days. Unless you count in the 3rd day when I read the finale right after reaching school (that is, today) and finished it in less than 15 min. So yes Abigail! Anytime now.

I will be going to Starbucks tomorrow! *Heart thumps* My grandma gave me a ten dollar bill! (By which grandparents do and ask you to "get something to eat". It's kinda weird actually cuz it's your parents who gave 'em the money and now it's coming back to you. Cheerios anyway.) I will splurge on... hmm... not worth it for a Frap since I can get chilled coffee everyday with the Nescafe ones. I shall make up my mind tomorrow.

God I'm crazy.

Haha. Very long since I blogged about school. Sit up while I do so... heex

Wong Liang Seng canceled the tests today! The oh so intimidating chemistry formulas and equations. We were to go to the lab for our first Chem lesson!

And guess what? The the whole class some people screamed and shouted and our class was in celebratory mood. Then... Maran came.

Our class was made to squat down! How embarrassing and then while squatting get scolded by Maran. I bet Wong Liang Seng was up there rolling his eyes to nirvana. Hahaha.

Then we were made to put our fingers on our lips and walk to the chem lab! Everyone chickened and put down the fingers after the staircase area but I held it close to my lips- just to invoke reminiscence and deja vu. Haha.

Then Wong was like so funny when we started labs.

Chem rocks! I'm so happy VS made in compulsory cuz if they didn't I won't take it. *science issues*


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