
A social commentary.

iTunes and Boogers

Have lots to blog about today but am just too exhausted to belch it all out. My eyes have been glued to this screen for the past 2 hours. I am flabbergasted by how the Chinese gamer addicts can glue to their screens for 2 days straight.

The reason why I have been staring at the screen for who-knows-how-long is because iTunes has updated! (In case you all don't know there is an iTunes Version 7 now!) And they have extra view options (view as in how you view your library) and there's this really cool view option called cover flow which allows you to scroll through your music library like a traditional Jukebox (right).

Since I never bothered to look for the album art when I imported music, my cover flow was just a bunch of boring musical notes =(

(Actually iTunes 7 has a new Grab Art Function that allows you to get your art immediately from the iTunes Music Store but you need an iTunes Music Store Account which is only limited to US, Japan and all the other countries except Singapore =( )

Yeps! So after 2 hours of hard work on Amazon.com importing album arts I have a beautiful cover flow! (Above)

Go download iTunes 7 now! It's free!

(Moving on)

Today Terence Kwok raised a storm in class by so called "digging his nose". (Image courtesy www.Andrew.cmu.edu) I don't think he was actually digging it, just some gesture that somehow somewhat resembled the action of booger digging.

Since Primary School anyone to digged boogers were condemned right there and then by the whole class. Nobody dared to do it cuz the teacher will scold, friends will "gross-out", tease and laugh and the name calling (yes! teachers too!) will start.

Apparently in Secondary school, we are "more mature" and don't dig boogers anymore. However, the facade of no longer teasing booger diggers just got ripped off today when Terence imitated a booger digging scene (and got mistaken).

Just shows how much "school culture" and "tradition" remains in us huh?

(along with the "don't-friend-you"s, "orh-hors" and "i-tell-teacher"s)

Oh, I just remembered "booger dig" in our culture is orh pee sai. Haha!


For some reason I remember a certain church person (shan't mention who for protection reasons) whom I remember in the middle of a lesson started picking his/her noes.

He/she then showed it to me on his/her finger. It was green and slimy- you know the wet ones.

He/she then flicked it on the floor.

I laughed.

Just goes to show how disgusting I am.

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