
A social commentary.


I have forgotten the joy of photography and flickr. Browsing through Muyao's photostream today proofed to be strangely therapeutic. Besides making me realize my inaptness, I have also managed to see through the eyes and emotion of somebody. This is the joy of photography- conveying your thoughts of something you see through the simple click of the shutter.

Right now I won't bet myself on taking more serious photographs, and joining the ranks of these awesome photographers by desperate practice and ditching of my point and shoot for and SLR. Because this will not pull me up to the true love of photography. Photography is something to be felt, and wanted. A passion. And not just a glowing splint.

I rather sit behind the screen, and enjoy the products of these awesome photographers. Perhaps this is the only way to not deceiving myself?

Okay, some kind of cock and bull story.

I will still take pictures, but they are not the kind whereby you take a lot of thought and this spark goes through the human brain who-knows-how-many times. They will just be the normal PNS shots.

That is of course, to me not real photography.

Oh wells. The first day of my holiday ; )

1 Responses to “Photography”

  1. # Blogger 小猫王

    haha, that's the spirit! I love photography for much of its technological advances, but as much as I do, I still love photography for the essence of it --capturing beauty, reliving memory and being the idealistic way I see the world in.

    Tell you a secret. Once my DLSR shutter dies, I'm gonna switch to a point and shoot. P&S cameras are getting too good to be true. :P

    Remember, its all about the essence, the soul, and the spirit.  

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