
A social commentary.


It is another 32 days before fourth American Idol Carrie Underwood's Album "Some Hearts" come out. Here I am sitting down moody and waiting like how I was waiting for Ms Duff's (younger one) album to come out. Somehow the wait wasn't worthwhile because Ms Duff's third album somehow sucked because of that lack of new songs and freshness. But I believe most debut albums are great. Like Hil's Metamorphosis, Renee's Renee, Backstreet's Backstreet , Clay's Measure, Sonic's Reasonate blah blah blah. Some Hearts should be worth listening (and of course paying that 20bucks).

I totally crapped my way to heaven when I bought a stupid monkey. I will never buy a rap CD for the rest of my life. I mean how interesting is hearing "No no no no, don't phunk with my heart" for like 3, 4 times in the same song, same tune, same octave, same style, same shit. Great- the first CD I actually wasted my money on (please don't tell me I wasted money on Hil! Please!). I actually didn't want to buy it but due to CONDITIONS which only Mr Wildborg knew (mr wildborg please don't tell) I bought that damned disk. This is of course my opinion, I believe there are Monkey and Elephant lovers out there (eg. Pang)

I feel very poetic today. Not Shakspearish of course (I never want to be Shakey, read Shakey or write Shakey) but more on poems that don't rhyme. You know- more abstract and morbid ones. I don't know if it is really considered a poem or poetry or whatever but here goes:

I'm sitting down on the bench
Everyone has somewhere to go
They know where they want to go
How come I don't?

What is life?
What do I do with my life?
Currently nothing
I mean, I am nothing
So how can I do anything?

Apparently I am less than nothing
But is there such a thing?
Nothing is the absolute of nothingness
As quoted from Mr Wilbur to the sheep
So am I less than nothing?

I want to hide
But where?
I want to hide
But how?
I want to hide

Life is weird
Really weird
I am weird
Really weird

Am I that?
Am I that?

So here you are. A weird poem thingy (because I don't even know if it's counted as a poem). Don't worry, I am NOT suffering from depression. I just wish to write something morbid and sad. Not a Big Fat Smiler isn't it? Haha!

Exams were all fine =) Thanks for all your concern =) I'm quite worried about Science though- especially Biology. Haha. Today's Geogy was great. Although I forgot a confluence was called a confluence and although confluence was mentioned in the paper somewhere else. That should have cost me half a mark.

I'm sick of people not being appreciative. Someone dropped her earphones on the bus today. And I returned it to her. She was on the phone and just took it from my hands. She didn't say anything.

And here is a little quiz in my poem =) Who is "Mr Wilbur"? Tag on my board the answer! Some people might know. Hint: It has to do with a web.

Yup, I think that's all for now. Survivor in 45 min! 2 more papers to go. I am an idiot! (and of course a BFS)

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