
A social commentary.

168th Entry

Have you ever stepped on a nail? I mean snail? Because if you did I believe you would find it absolutely revolting. The shell- it cracks, then it comes to the gooey part- freaky. Well I didn't step on a snail today and I hope you didn't. I did before but lets not dig that up- it causes unpleasant memories.

Snails are not very nice creatures- however, like everything else on Mother Earth- has their purpose. I guess the purposes of snails just aren't good at all. They eat crops of Farmers fields (not that I'm an agriculture fan but I do eat vegetables don't I?) and create unpleasant memories. There are (I believe) many more disadvantages which I can find out if I use the amazing Google but I refuse because should I arrive at a page which gives me information brillante there would certainly be a (gross) picture of a slug/snail/mollusc/whatever which is also a reason why I won't be in the Science stream come Sec 3.

The French have gone crazy by believing that they can exterminate the snails by eating them. They call them escarots which sounds really fancy (now tell me which french word doesn't sound fancy?) but the taste ain't (which is ironic because I have never ate an escarot before so how the heck am I suppose to know the taste ain't fancy?). And somehow they influenced the Australiens to eat snails too and spread their delicacy to the rest of the world. I have never ate one in my life and never will- I even try my best not to touch them.

I leaked out gazillion litres of tears yesterday, first time after such a long time I cried so hard. It Sometimes it feels good to cry. The water falling down your cheeks blah blah, I just feel good after crying. And I try to cry in the night cause crying make you feel tired and thus lets you sleep like a baby. Zheng Shan Gong Niang Niang (Court Lady Jeong) passed away last night. Somehow, she reminds me of my grandmother who passed away 8 years ago. Brilliant in cooking (both) and affectionate- she seems like a grandma to me- and Jang-geum too =)

She kinda looks like Lisa Wang don't you think? (FYI thats Yeo Wong-gye lady who acted as Court Lady Jeong not my grandma)

Didn't get to watch Survivor at 2 today but after reference to the Survivor Guatemala Website I understand that Jamie got voted out. Ha! Seems like finally (FINALLY!!!) someone broke up the evil alliance! Definitely not rooting for anybody there (Steph, Rafe, Lydia, Judd) to win as Ultimate Survivor- and definitely not rooting for Gary. It's kind of ironical that in one of my earlier entries I said that I didn't like Danni but here am I now hoping she'll win the game.

So whatever, waiting for 10 tonight. But heck with the stupid commercials. I hate commercials.

PUBLICITY STUNT! (*gasps* finally)

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