
A social commentary.

Waking up before the sun.

BFS woke up at stinking Seven o'clock in the morning to attend today's briefing for tomorrow's Orientation. I really shouldn't be complaining since Seven is pretty late already compared the torment some (I know you noon sleepers out there!) have to go through but I *gasps* will be going through that torment for almost everyday of my life in 5 days time! *whimpers and dies*

FYI Torment = 5 Stinking ante meridiem WTH.

Yeah, so dragged myself out of bed, stood the entire journey chionging with all the rat race people on the MRT to City Hall and waited for the friggin' 36 to come while chomping down my leftover Breaktalk bread for breakfast. Thank goodness it didn't rain in the morning cuz that would be the ultimate bummer of the day.

Apparently the rain isn't causing the internet downfall like I thought in yesterday's entry (that was in the afternoon where nobody caught the news yet) but the earthquake in Taiwan. This phenomenon of our internet crashing is splashed all over the media- from CNN to free Chinese tabloid My Paper and from MrBrown to Today. What is interesting is that the focus of the earthquake is not the earthquake itself (which is a big story since it's one of the biggest earthquakes in Taiwan) but the downfall of most of Asia's internet! I mean two people died because of the earthquake and here we are whining our internet is laggy.

So wth after the stinking briefing I trouped to the Staff Workroom for free air-con together with Nicolas (Nee-co-las) Yee to write the emcee script for SLI 2007 =) And here's a discreet shot of him typing for the day!

(Just realised I haven't really been making full use of my pathetic technically disadvantaged 1.3 megapixel camera phone)

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