
A social commentary.

The Japanese Lepers

Adapted from Bob Houlihan.
This is a rephrased writing of part of one of his sermons.

I was in Japan and was visiting a leprosarium right in the north. I reached the place and spoke to the in-charge. He told me not to be shocked or do anything to make them be embarassed because they were sore to look at. However, as I had seen and ministered to many lepers before, I told him I was quite experienced in this field of work. He then lead me inside.

As that leprosarium was in the north of the country, it was very cold even in the inside. I did not take of my jacket and continued to tour the building. As I walked, I proceeded to Cando-chan's room. I had seen many lepers in my life before but never one like her. Leprousy affects the extremities of the body thus they would normally be without hands, fingers, legs and so on. But Cando-chan had neither arms nor legs. She was bald, and she was without a nose- just two holes on her face. Her mouth was twisted and she was blind. One of her ears was also not functioning properly. She was sitting in small cot and was lying down.

I entered her room and began a conversation with her. I sensed a feeling of jubilance and joy from her as she told me she was a Christian and said she could not do all the basic necessities in life. Her Japanese was a little inaudible as her mouth was deformed due to the horrible disease. She could not walk and had to be carried around. She could not feed, drink and bath herself. Most importantly, she could not spread the wonderful gospel. But despite all these setbacks and barriers, she would pray 8 hours a day for Japan and all the other nations in the world- and for me. I was deeply touched when I heard that and was very encouraged.

I then asked her if there were any other christians in this leprosarium, she said there were 37 more including her. She asked me if she could preach a sermon for them all since it was a rare chance that I would come and visit them. I agreed and preached to them about heaven. A place where all of them could run freely and unrestricted on the streets of gold. Deprived of these benefits that everyone should have, moans and groans of joy (they could only moan and groan because they could not speak properly) filled the small chapel we were in. Then the leader of their group came up to me on the wheelchair and handed me an envelope. On the envelope was written ¥500, 000 which was about 6000USD at that time. I was very shocked and told them to take some back. They were already living on a very tight goverement allowance and should put the money into better use. Although they could not talk, they moaned and groaned in a spirit of resistance and the leader told me to keep all of it as they want to do a part for the kingdom, they too want a inheritance.

I was deeply touched and told Cando-chan that I would tell this story whenever I was preaching wherever I go.


I too, was very very touched and was close to tears for several times when Rev Bob was speaking today despite the fact that this is not the first time I am listening to Cando-chan's story. One day, I too will visit the leprosarium and minister to this people of similar status to us. Everyone is equal in God's sight. Everyone is special in God's sight. Everyone is equally and overpouringly loved by God. God truely loves you.

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