
A social commentary.

A Time to Blog

Yes, I have been busy. Yes, I am busy. Yes, I did not blog for very long (if the previous one doesn't count). And yes, I am blogging. I hope to finish a pretty long post to make up for the others. I have a blogging spasm and have a lot to say. So listen up! (Or you could click here and play Neopets =) )

Today was quite an eventful day. I expect shall eventful days throughout this week. It started with that Geography test. It was quite difficult, don't really know how to describe it. Just keeping my little fingers crossed for a nice A1 on it. Then we continued with the weekly affair- Physical Eduation. Took my NAPHA (an acronym which I never understood) today and resulted in Bronze. I got a Bronze last year too. I am pretty sad and fustrated at that result because I do have the ability to get a Silver grade. Here are my results:

What: 2.4km Run-Walk
Result: 13min 11sec
Grade: C
Score: 3

What: Sit and Reach
Result: 31cm
Grade: C
Score: 3

What: Inclined Pull Ups
Result: 26 pull ups
Grade: B
Score: 4

What: Shuttle Run
Result: 11.1sec
Grade: C
Score: 3

What: Sit-ups
Result: 34
Grade: C
Score: 3

What: Standing Broad Jump
Result: 172cm
Grade: E
Score: 1

Total Score: 17
Grade: Bronze

To attain a Silver grade, you have to have a minimum grade of D, which in my stadning broad jump, I attained an E grade. And to attain a D grade for that, the minimum would be 176cm which is only 4cm. Sigh. A repeat of what happened last year =( Then carried on with life thinking how fortunate I am to still have Bronze while some people failed their 2.4km Run-Walk and couldn't even get Bronze. Lol.

We carried on with Mathematics, then Art, which we had a period of drawing despite the fact that that Art lesson was a theorical one. Mr Liong said that we were degrading and some of the General Art Program students were better than some of us and that we should be ashamed of ourselves. I rebuked that fact and answered back saying that we have been claying of the past so many months and had no drawing practice at all. Thus, Mr Liong said we would have that "forever" for half of the Art Theory period.

After that Half-Art-Practical-Half-Theory Art Lesson, we proceeded to Palai's "CME" class, which he uses normally for Mathematics because CME is a very *ahem* important subject. I don't blame him, CME is *ahem* extremely interesting. So had 3 periods of Mathematics again like usual CME Days and got to go home (yay).

Surfed the net just now and found a website that was the website of a pushcart selling nice Christian clothes and merchandise at Jurong POint and Junction 8. I wish to get something, their very expensive however. $28 is not what you pay for a tee-shirt. The below one is for boys and is my favourite one so far. It cost $25.

I think it's because of the importation from United States that jacked up the price. However, if you too like it and don't mind paying, you could check the not very updated website out here and buy it at either Junction 8 outside Espirit or Jurong Point outside dunno where.

Washed the dishes for my mom and dad today. I suddenly have the urge to do it. I don't know why. It's like, I wish to wash it! Lol. Whatever, I am such a good momma's boy +)

I have lots more to blog on actually. On the BQ Dinner and Sunday. But I am limited to 30min by my mother who needs it to work and have exceeded already. Too bad my spasm came to late =(. Lookout for tomorrow, hope to post something. My mom made the comment "We need 2 computers already..." just now. Wonder if she really means it. I don't mind an Apple iBook. Lol.

And Jesus Really Rocks!

The T-shirt from Funky B that inspired me to write that under every August 2005 and beyond post. It cost $28.80.

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