
A social commentary.

Lousy Blogger

I have been a very very lousy blogger recently. Updating like so dead lousy post. And I realised that my hits have been dropping. Please don't stop visiting BigFatSmiles =). So anyway, watched the "Shoot" show on Channel U today and realised Xiaxue had wrote about it in her blog on July 8th which makes it 7 days from now- so they film a week before they "media" it. Not a very long time actually.

Was at the POlice Academy helping for the BB Cares today. Helped them put the flags on poles. Was quite fun. Except there was this sarcastic primer from Temasek JC which I dislike. Probably because he is very sarcastic or he *ahem* scolded me. Was rolling the flag when was really concentrating when he said "Can you roll properly or not. Will you do that if it's your school flag?" So I don't like him lorh. He's quite right actually but I can't help disliking him.

So dead angry with myself. Actually it's not really my fault but it's not anybody's fault either, so I guess afterall it's still my fault. Was suppose to reach home at 6.15pm after the BB Cares thing today when I reached at 7.45pm. So instead of going from Novena [South] back to Admiralty [North], I went to VS [East] then Admiralty [North]. Which is very very very lame. Wanted to leave from PA but it was raining and I didn't know where was the bus-stop. Rahul was suppose to bring me there but later said since it was raining we shouldn't take the bus, and he was concerned about me and in the end I took 1hr 30min late to get home.

And I hate buses at xia ban shi ke or going home after work time. It is croweded and stuffy [although I got to sit] and the bus moves like 40-60km/h. Which is slow. And that was another cuase of my 1.5hr lateness. And there is like no more space in the bus and when you look at the bus-stop there is so much people standing outside.

Sorry if this post is boring but I need some brushing up to do. Havn't been blogging un-lousy posts recently =P

Jesus Loves You and BB CARES!

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