
A social commentary.


And so the results are out. London is to host the 2012 Olympics. Actually wasn't really that unhappy with the results. Who cares actually? Am I really going to go to London [or if were Moscow, Moscow] to support Singapore? Am I really to your the selected country? If it were Singapore I would be very concerned though.

Apparently Moscow backed out in the first round and I was really disappointed in that. Not that I have anything with Moscow just that I think it's a beuatiful city with wonderful architecture and wonderful heritage. But many people protested that Moscow should use the funds for the Olympics for medical healthcare and social programs. And there is a major security issue to be dealt there. But who cares? Moscow will be bidding again!

Youth Day was here and the school gave us those envelopes with Taufik on it. I realised it is a new hobby and enjoyment to doodle on Taufik's face. The most popular doodles are moustaches and horns on his face. Others include coloring his face to make it blacker and blacker with every stroke.

1E Boys have the terrible habit of playing outside-classroom soccer before school officially starts. And they did today. I don't ban them of that and no prefect has ever told me to tell them to stop or stopped them before. But today when they were playing halfway, someone shouted "Mr Chia coming!" and they quickly ran in. It amazes me to see how much fear of this person is instilled into the lives of these freshman victorians.

Had my first Art Theory Lesson tomorrow. Realised today Mona Lisa had no eyebrows! Wow! Don't wish to post it here because it has a lot of HTML problems. So here's a link to GoogleImageSearch for "Mona Lisa".
Click here for it. I find it quite wonderful and amzing that at one glance we do not notice this factor. The eyebrow is a very important feature of the face. Anyone without an eyebrow would be noticed at once. Yet we overlook Mona Lisa's case. Leonardo Da Vici is really a very good artist.

Physics is coming towards me. I can feel it, and I don't like the feeling of it. Hearing so many scary stories from seniors and my cousin about Physics, I really don't want to take it. Ahhh!

English was boring today. So I asked Gaga and Hafiz what was BigFatSmiles in Tamil and Malay respectively. Here are some results I got after some research:

English- [obviously] Big Fat Smiles
Chinese- Da Fei Xiao
Malay- Besar Gemuk Senyuman
Tamil- Periya Punegeigal
French- Le Grand Gras Sourit
Spanish- la grasa grande sonríe
German- Großes Fett lächelt
Italian- sorrisi grandi grassi
Dutch- Groot vet glimlacht
Portugese- gordura grande sorri
Norwegian- stort fett smiler
Russian- большие жирные улыбки

Yup yup=) Those who learn French/Spanish/German/Italian/Dutch/Portugese/Norwegian/Russian please correct me if you find any mistake ;)

Jesus Loves You

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