
A social commentary.

A Phisophical View

I have recently managed to realise something. Or probably everyone deeply has in their heart but no one every comes face to face with reality. Does anyone anyway? Haha. It might seem stupid but if you ponder on it, you start to understand like I did. My new found view is that time will always pass. Life is just a chain reaction. Don't you think so? You cannot freeze time- now and forever. You cannot go back in time- now and forever. And obviously you cannot go into teh future- now and forever. Because all these means one thing: escaping death. And death cannot be escaped, and anyway, your life is just a very small part (a.k.a decimal, fraction etc.) of your entire existence. You might think it's crap but please DO PONDER about this. If you really don't wish to, a BigFatSmiler never forces, so continue reading =)))

I broke my entire blogging record by typing my longest entry yesterday at 1009 words. I still can't believe I typed so much. Gosh. I managed to type so much! Yay =)) And "vie victorienne", sigh, cost so much commotion. Not much actually, but my blog is small *whimpers pathetically*.

The journey home today was like with a crapper. Oswin's band friend was totally crapping through the entire journey. Kinda like an irratating and non-interesting and non-funny version of Spongebob? Lol, Terence [L] would have thought that too- judging from his hilarious facial expressions.


Not buying her CD when I saw it. Didn't bring enough cash =(( One more day...

Jesus Rocks!

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