I’m quite addicted to the Backstreet Boys’ song Siberia. It’s partly because it’s in my pitch- so I can sing it without much difficulty. Not like when I’m listening to Hilary’s Fly and suddenly go “Fly” and can’t hit the high note and look around me to see if my mom saw me. Haha. I don’t really understand the song though- what does this country in Russia have to with a girl dumping you? Perhaps I should listen to the song a few more million times before I can get the essence of the song into me.
Oswin, Kundan and I are going to watch a movie tomorrow- The Perfect Catch. To tell you the truth- there are not many nice movies this Holiday. Checked the GV website and the only worth watching would probably be Be With Me which I can’t watch because it is suppose to be Mature Content. It seems a very good show- better without all the lesbianism and stuff.
Was listening to TPOTO’s All I Ask Of You and found it quite weird. It says “Love me, that’s all I ask of you,” So if lets say you got married with this lady and then she said Love me that’s all I ask of you. So you can don’t work and just sit down and qiao jiao on your sofa larh? Your wife can to all the housework etc. etc. and you can sit back to watch TV- you’re loving her already what.
It’s actually quite ironical because if you were to love her you would be doing the housework. Okay, I’m contradicting. These 2 paragraphs are entirely crap. Let’s cancel it.
Haha! This is so dead funny! I just visited Timothy’s website and was listening to some opera crap and suddenly from his blog came out some Linkin Park stuff! It’s the one which has the “I’ve become so young,” thing. Talk about cross-genre.
Did I mention I am currently a no-egg mooncake addict?
Jesus Rocks!
Oswin, Kundan and I are going to watch a movie tomorrow- The Perfect Catch. To tell you the truth- there are not many nice movies this Holiday. Checked the GV website and the only worth watching would probably be Be With Me which I can’t watch because it is suppose to be Mature Content. It seems a very good show- better without all the lesbianism and stuff.
It’s actually quite ironical because if you were to love her you would be doing the housework. Okay, I’m contradicting. These 2 paragraphs are entirely crap. Let’s cancel it.
Haha! This is so dead funny! I just visited Timothy’s website and was listening to some opera crap and suddenly from his blog came out some Linkin Park stuff! It’s the one which has the “I’ve become so young,” thing. Talk about cross-genre.
Did I mention I am currently a no-egg mooncake addict?
Jesus Rocks!
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