
A social commentary.

I have 50 minutes to type a super long post...

So yes, I am rushing and typing as fast as a gundoo and can only to find that I am making more and more mistakes and having to hit the damned backspace key. Thus I shall attempt slow down.

You should know why I have to type super fast, it is 50 minutes to the best reality TV show ever created on beautiful mother earth and here it is deserving my (the big fat smiler's) respect. Not that it never did anyway, but nevermind. I have a lot of stuff to type, so let's not be bothered by these clumsy words.

You know I never saw the value of paying for like so much for some pieces of plastic and paper? I guess not many of our 6 billion people population will. But I did yesterday. It was like entering into this magical realm. A realm full of cute creatures. Their purpose in this realm is not to play with you, to be your pet, to say "Goochi, goochi!" to, but to battle and unfortunately resulting in somewhat death. You MIGHT guess what I am talking about, I made it super morbid but what I am writing is the famous card game: The Pokemon Card Game! Yay!

I love playing it, it's so cool. And the pictures on it are cute! Not like the others, the others are scary and devilish. But every now and then, I will shoving my friend's Pokemon deck behind the cupboard. Wanna know why? Because the real devil is coming! Every one scares each other with this horrifying devilish devil! This devil is quite *ahem* stupid though. I hope he doesn't read my blog. Haha. He is none other than the famous personality Mr Chia! I remember the scary spasmic surges that shoot right through your body everytime someone shouts "Chia!" because the consequences are unavoidable. He shouts, and the soundwaves penetrates through your weak ear. You jump and wish to run away, but he is there. He is your worst nightmare!

Well, I guess this answers Terence's question about me breaking the rules, for some stupid reason, we are not allowed Pokemon cards in school.

Student Ambassador Program thingy yesterday was extremely tiring. Tomorrow is the Open House itself, if any one coincidentally is reading my blog, is Primary 6 and coming to the Open House tomorrow, I just want you to know that everyone in the Open House has worked very hard to put this up for you. Even if you don't wish to come to VS or whatever, please remember that there was a lot of effort put in and don't put down VS should you go to another school.

Tonight was the Boys' Brigade in Singapore's 75th Annivesary. It wasn't so bloody after all- haha. I quite enjoyed it because it was at the swanky Orchard Hotel and was fully air-conditioned so I doubt I perspired at all (I tell you it is not a good feeling to pespire in your full BB uniform). Other companies clearly put more effort in their items than us. 33rd COY- I think it's Fairfield- had this super cool item- a cross between some sort of intepretative dance and fancy drill. And they obviously had practised very hard and everyone there was like a Seargeant? Which is 3 ranks higher than me.

Today is the last day in school. Part of my Victorian journey, vie victorienne, journey of turning from boys to men, journey to the becoming a sportsmen, professional and gentlement, has come to an end. Ian's journey in Victoria (School) has ended and is proceeding to the Victorian Integrated Program which I tell myself I must not join. However, I do acknowledge the fact that it is for cleverer people and my intellect will probably be not high enough *oops* Haha. Still I wish to wish Ian the best in his future endeavours together with other IP people whom I know =)

I remember my days when I just stepped foot into this place called Victoria School. Wondering if I would be worthy of the title "Victorian" because I did not feel for this place. My life was very much empty in VS, I was scared, sad and feeling horrible.

I hid from the face of the Victorian flag, and hid my shadows from the school grounds. I didn't realise what I was missing, all I wanted to do was to run away- from the face of the earth. Stupified and Wingardiom Leviosa-ed, I was spellbound, terrified.

But the shadows cast turned into flames of warmth, the bounderies surrounding my little soul melted into the surface of our mother earth and disappeared. Passion- not ordinary passion- but strong passion, filled my Victorian heart. Wait! Did I claim that I had a Victorian heart? Yes, the walls had broken down and I had melted into the school. Victoria was now my second home, more second then any of the schools I had attended. I felt the Victorian spirit, at the cross country championships, speech day, and even when watching the National Science Challenge on TV! But most importantly, I felt Victorian- I was Victorian.

I would like to thank everyone who encouraged, helped, was-thered, supported, blah blah-ed, in the first year of my vie Victorienne.

Nil Sine Labore =)

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