
A social commentary.

That's it,

today is the last day before I lose my freedom for like 48 hours. Before I will be a slave to officers and seniors. Before I am unsafe and will be at the mercy of my officers. Before I am to exhaust myself unwillingly and undesirably. Before I lose my dignity and ability to talk back. Before I face death penalty. Before I lose my life. Before I can no longer smile again... *shudders*

Okay, I'm definitely exaggerating. I'm going for the Boys' Brigade 2nd Singapore Company March Enrichment Camp 2006 tomorrow and that's it. It's going to be fun! Hehehehe...

You should have noticed a large number of links being removed. This is because...

1) Why should I care about your blog when you don't even care about your blog? (that is, meaning, that your blog is no longer consistently updated, or is no longer existing)

2) Why should you care about what you see on my blog when you don't even care what you see on your blog? (that is, meaning, that you care to see your link on my blog when you don't update your blog)

3) Why should I care about your blog when you don't even care about my blog? (that is if you didn't link me on your blog)

So should you not see your link there, please post your link and your name on my tag and make the necessary changes. Oh god, I feel so bossy.

I went to the doctors' today to get my medical certificate for exemplifying myself from today's Adventure Quest training. Saw this huge bunch of Chinese Nationals (That is, the nicer way of saying. Should I be feeling mean today it would be cheena girls.) crowding around the counter. I was thinking, shit, should have gone to the other clinic, now I'm going to have to sit here for who-knows-how-long. Weirdly, I got in before every one of them. And they were giving me this look.

I don't know, it just seems weird to see so many foreigners as Singaporeans living amongst us. And just when I got out, I witnessed a seen where a Chinese Male National (not nice= cheena boy) cycling at an average speed and while approaching a middle aged man, shouted "Ei!" and the man shouted "Ei What?!".

There is a reason why Alexandra Graham Bell invented the Bell okay.

Oh, he didn't invent the bell? Oh, it was the telephone?

Fine, there was a reason why so and so invented the bell okay. Just use it.

And onto the thing with cyclist cycling on walking paths. No. 1 I think these paths aren't even for cyclists, more for walkers in the first place (please correct me if I'm wrong). And even should you need to cycle, you're on a bicycle, not on a motorcycle! There's no need to go so fast and letting insurance companies lose money. You'll have to pay a higher premium after that you know.

Well, those are my rants. I might be moving out of Big Fat Smiles soon.

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