
A social commentary.


I must confess. My vocabulary is really bad, despite being good in writing. I took the RD Online World Challenge today and resulted in a score of 335 out of a possible score of 1275. I mean like how the heck am I suppose to know that cashier means to dismiss? Isn't a cashier the person that stands in front of a checkout counter in your supermarket trying to look friendly and collecting money? Or how was I suppose to know that placate is to pacify or appease? I mean like I don't even use these words in my everyday life? My vocab sucks. Someone please tutor me. I don't know how but I definitely need help. Bah.

Life was quite okay today. Mr Wong was back with his Chemistry. I wonder what combinations I'll take when I reach Secondary 3? Here's what I wish to take NOW: (and I can turn back at Sec 3 to read this laughing at how silly my choices were. Haha)

English Language (obviously)

Higher Chinese Language (compulsory if I don't fail my chinese)

Elementary Mathematics (compulsory)

Advanced Mathematics (compulsory)

Geography Elective?

Social Studies (compulsory)

Art for Art Elective Program (compulsory)


Chemistry/Physics (Still deciding. Will not take triple science and result will most probably not be physics because of scary stories)

So you see 6 of my 9 chosen subjects are actually compulsory. How fair is that? If I were given a choice to drop one- it would definitely be Social Studies. To hell with anything History-related! (except Art Elective Theory of course! Haha!)

Actually yesterday's Le grand gros sourire avec moi ? means Big Fat Smile with me? On why miao said it was very poorly translated because I translated it with a computer. I don't know french. So since it's so badly translated I shall just post it in the international business language:

Big Fat Smile with me?

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