
A social commentary.

Today as in today. Not yesterday.

I like crapping. I like talking cock. I like talking rubbish. I like saying stupid things (not too stupid to judge my intellect upon though). I like saying lame stuff. In other words, I like to talk unnecessarily and always at the wrong time. After all, in order to smile a big fat smile you have to have a big fat mouth (as repeated by me many times to various readers/victorians).

So anyway, ate a home cooked meal today. My favourite maggee mee. I know it's supposed to be unhealthy but I haven't had it in ages. Like really long ago. Then my mom came home with every single grocery she needed except bread. Not that bread was needed for the preperation/end product of the maggee mee but for tomorrow's breakfast. Thus I was sent down looking frowsy to the nearst mini mart. I really thought I was emulating a refugee in the New Orleans suffering from the dreadful hurricane (joke). That is why I never let people see me at home in my weird looking clothes. Haha.

Then proceeding to the mini mart, I came across a qi yue burning thingy. I was suddenly afraid (for obvious reasons) but consoled myself with the fact that qi yue was over ages ago. Then when approaching some brambles I suddenly heard some chantings coming from there. Oh my dear god I freaked out like seow. Really. If anyone had saw me at that point of time I would be totally embarassed. Thank god there was no one was though.

Back to the point. I suddenly heard some chantings! It was some Muslim chantings and it totally freaked me out. Worst of all the chantings emmited from some brambles and went right into my year right after I saw the qi yue burning can. (Which seems weird now because why would muslim chantings come from a chinese ghost festival object?) And then I quickened my footsteps only to fine the chantings coming from a totally too-religious Muslim who has decided to turn up his chantings much to loudly on his stereo. Arg.

Still, I was still nervous when passing the area after buying the damned bread.

The dengue thing seems to be bigger and bigger. It's beggining to scare me. I got a few bites today. I quickly (because of my big fat mouth) announced the fact to my class. Only nice Justus responded to me saying that the fastest way to know you're getting dengue is that your skin begins to get dappled- like those cute 101 Dalmations just that it's red instead of black.

Diverting a little now. I think everyone should really listen to the SG Show. Dear god has blessed Sam with such an oh-s0-adorable voice. It is so euphonious that you could listen to it as music itself. Haha. Weird comparison huh? Couldn't think of a better one. So everyone should listen to the SG Show! Haha.

Le grand gros sourire avec moi ?

P/S Decided to change my "Jotlims, Jesus Rocks" ending into something else. Anyone can guess what the newest ending means? No prizes though. I'm such a poor blogger. Haha.

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