
A social commentary.

Life and such.

There is something in life called saturated sleep. A saturated solution is when you can't dissolve any more of the solute into the solvent. A saturated sleep is when you can't dissolve any more sleep at one go. I just had saturated sleep today. 12 hours. Full. God blessed me.

Yesterday was a day of revelation and happiness. Victoria School's 'O' Level results were extremely good. Yet among the rejoicing as a school, there were pocketful of people around unable to accept the harsh reality of the scores they obtained. Since I gave a damn more about the people-I-knew's results, the happiness Principal felt didn't really sink into my heart. Sure, we could be a Band One School again, but right now, looking at the faces of those depressed people.

I've come to somewhat a conclusion. Not really knowing the truth about these underperforming individuals, but somehow knowing that they have really tried, they still underperformed. Will hard work guarantee that magical six that passports you to any JC (with the exception of those schools)? Will hard work guarantee that you'll realize your goal? Somehow, somewhat that's what I had always thought it would be. Unfortunately, no.

I mean wouldn't different forms of realist movies have already knocked that hell of that thought into my brain already? Or was I still floating in the air, thinking that at that time I would work hard till my guts flow out. Get into JC and then start to slack again? Or was it gonna be that guy in I NOT STUPID (one) who studied really hard for his mommy for the Maths exam and still fail? What was life suppose to be?

I'll leave that as a hanging thought. More about SLI when I get those camwhore pics =)

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